Category: Sample Dungeon

  • SD #2: Upper Floors

    SD #2: Upper Floors

    The stairs leading up to the raised structure of the Mausoleum proper is at its widest a rectangle of 120 feet (24 squares) by 90 feet (18 squares). 24 steps lead upwards and inwards towards what could be called the first floor, where the platform upon which the upper chamber, guarded by its grand wooden…

  • Sample Dungeon #1: Ruins

    Sample Dungeon #1: Ruins

    “That rubble in the distance was once Halicarnassus, the jewel of the Anatolian coast. Those crumbled walls were once temples, towers, fortifications, and homes. They look so solemn there, like something out of a demigod’s legend. The remains of the city, you have heard from many travelers over many years, is full of the wealth…