Category: Lore

  • LP #3: Cultus Deorum

    LP #3: Cultus Deorum

    “When we beheld the Great Pantheum of Iulianopolis, before it we made three great sacrifices in thanks; to Brahma Fabricator, for our wealth, to Mercurius Sobrius for our safety on the road, and to Mithras Tauroktonos for our honest kin.” -Journal of a Syrian merchant Where there reside men, there reside gods. Gods defend all…

  • LP #2: Gentes

    LP #2: Gentes

    “The Serpent-men are known to be as wily as they are powerful. Perhaps this task is better suited to the Lords of Odisha.” -Report to Samudragupta, regarding a failure to pacify the eastern coast The peoples of the ecumene are many; their forms, innumerable. Many philosophers, priests, and thinkers have wondered as to the origins…

  • Lore Page #1: Orbis

    Lore Page #1: Orbis

    -Map of the world according to Pomponius Mela, as designed by Konrad Miller “It was the thousand and one hundred and thirty-first year from the founding of the City . . .” -Saturninius Salustianus, Neoplatonist scholar “It was the six hundred and ninetieth year from the dawn of Iskandar . . .” -Shapur Sakanshah, governor…