Category: Dev Diary

  • DD #3: On the Gods

    DD #3: On the Gods

    Before the dev diary begins in earnest, I think it worth clarifying that the lore pages are not written with an omniscient perspective. By the language used, I tried to imply that they were being written by the hand of a historian of the period’s perspective on the world. Obviously, Yazatas are not the “slaves”…

  • DD #2: The ABΓs

    DD #2: The ABΓs

    This entry will be rather unfocused, as there are a lot of things regarding ancestries and classes I feel must be mentioned, few of them having much relation to each other. However, if stray thoughts, concerns, and ideas can be gotten out of the way here, the next entries can be much more cohesive, and…

  • Dev Diary #1: Overview

    Dev Diary #1: Overview

    -Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, and India in the 4th century, according to Ollie Bye “Ecumene” is a Latinization of the Greek term “Oικουμένη (Oikoumeni)”, and refers to the breadth of the world as the Greeks knew it. Within the breadth of this setting, magic may lift the great stones that assembled the Great…